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METAL GEAR SOLID - Master Collection Version Preinstalled getfreegames

METAL GEAR SOLID – Master Collection Free Download (v20240925)


METAL GEAR SOLID – Master Collection Directly Download

My friend introduced me to it and said it was one the best games he’d ever played, and he wasn’t wrong. The game was bursting with ideas and felt genuinely fresh and exciting. Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop

I can still remember how impressed I was with pretty much everything about it, and it created some lasting memories that have stuck with me to this day including:

  • The game over screen – The music when you die and the cries of “Snake? Snake, Snaaaaaaaakkkke”
  • Codec conversations – Chatting with your team who provided backstory, as well as hints and tips was a lot of fun. I’d often find any excuse to check in with them.
  • Inventive characters and boss battles – Solid Snake (slightly pervy super soldier), Revolver Ocelot (gunslinging torturer), Sniper Wolf (sexy dog-loving sniper), Psycho Mantis (deranged mind reader). The list goes on, but these are some of the main characters I remember.
  • Torture scene – Mashing the circle button to keep Snake from dying was torturous but getting a well-deserved massage from the vibration in my controller made up for it.
  • Psycho Mantis – The memory card reading of other save games on your PlayStation, swapping controller ports to confuse Psycho Mantis, the blank Hideo screen which made you think your TV was broken. Genius!
  • Absolute genius!
    Hidden codec code – Hiding the codec frequency for Meryl on the back of the video game case was another stroke of genius.
  • The alert noise – The noise when you are discovered by enemies has become iconic

These are just a few of the memories I have from a game I played a long time ago, so I was looking forward to playing through it again. The graphics of this version received a massive overhaul from the PlayStation game, so it was kind of jarring going back to the original version of Metal Gear Solid. I knew it wasn’t going to be the Twin Snakes version, but let’s just say you can tell this is a game released in 1998.

Game Info & Requirements

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
  • Storage: 9 GB available space
  • Support The Developer:STEAM
Game Source / Scene Group:  Mr_GOLDBERG
Game Version:  v20240925